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Why Responsive Design Important | Global Media Solutions

It may be unclear why responsive design is important. Yet, it is one of the most important ranking factors for a website.  You see, the way people interact on the web has completely changed in the last few years with the boom of mobile devices and tablets. The user’s experience is by far the most important aspect to consider when designing websites. If the page elements do not respond quickly to keyboard and mouse input behaving unexpectedly, you will lose the user and their interest.

Providing a great experience on mobile devices is critical for a successful website. Responsive Design is generally the most cost effective way to provide it catering to the mobile and desktop experiences with a single site.

HTML is the raw content of a website including text, images, and media. CSS is what controls how it looks. So fonts, colors, and layouts are done with CSS. HTML5 is the newest version of HTML that allows extra functions particularly useful for mobile devices.

CSS3 expands the tools available to control the design of a site and determines the screen size using CSS media queries. Including famous JavaScript libraries jQuery and Moo Tools have made things much easier to animate these features and more.

Most contemporary browsers support this dynamic and responsive code and even elegantly degrade when the scripts aren’t available.

The ultimate goal is to feel comfortable when interacting with the site regardless of what device a visitor is using to access your site.  Responsive design provides you’re user with a complete seamless experience that is adaptive to any screen size keeping a wide variety of users on your site.